- Gjallarhornab.se
- About us
Gjallarhorn AB is a family-run business where the CEO and founder, Henrik S. Svensson, spent close to two decades as the CEO and Co-founder of InterNestor GmbH, Europe's largest producer and distributor of individualized pastries online, based in Cologne, Germany. Probably best known under it's regional country shops (e.g. deineTorte.de, votreGateau.fr, dinTårta.se, jeeigenTaart.nl ). The company was later sold to Dr. Oetker, one of the world's largest food producers. At the time of leaving the position of CEO, the company employed over 180 coworkers and operated in multiple countries across Europe.
Apart from the very hands-on experience, Henrik also studied Economics at Stockholm University (Master thesis: Good enough satisfying the masses? ) and at the Market Academy (Sv. Marknadsakademien ). Before that he also coded and designed home pages for smaller companies during high school and was also in the Swedish armed forces as a Ranger, Company Commander (Sv. Jägare, Kompanibefäl ). The long corporate journey, together with academic studies has aggregated experiences, insights and networks helpful to build better start-ups and scale-ups. Gjallarhorn's base is in Stockholm, Sweden, with networks and interests mostly focused on the Nordics and Germany but also the UK.
For further reading, we kindly refer to a selection of external articles:
deineTorte.de - Read the full story here > (German)
Ehandel.se - A visit in 2016 > (Swedish)
Kölnische Rundschau - A visit in 2018 > (German)
Deutsche Startups - Continued growth 2021 > (German)
Onlinehändler News - deineTorte.de sold to Dr.Oetker > (German)
Di.se - deineTorte.de sold to Dr.Oetker > (Swedish)
Expressen - The story continues > (Swedish)
Henrik S Svensson
CEO, Founder & Owner
Gjallarhorn AB
Definition: In Norse mythology, Gjallarhorn (Old Norse: ['gjal:ar,horn]; ”hollering horn” or ”the loud sounding horn”) is a horn associated with the god Heimdal and the wise being Mímir. The sound of Heimdal’s horn will not only herald the beginning of Ragnarök, the sound of which will be heard in all corners of the world but was also the horn through which the gods communicated to people.
The Gjallarhorn was also used for drinking (in some interpretations, out of the well of knowledge), which couples well with our interest in food and technology. It is thought as a metaphor to our marketing expertise background, as well as excitement and curiosity towards the new whilst simultaneously honoring and recognizing the giants' shoulders we stand on.
Currently the company is most active in one of it's investments - Invajt Development AB - as well as consulting InterNestor GmbH to help secure its continuous well-being. We are currently not actively searching for new investments but are always open for new projects and ideas.